
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Starting Seeds

A week and a half ago, I went and bought most of the seeds I would need for the garden. There were a few things I wanted to try to plant that weren't available, so I guess I'll have to find those later on.

A few days later, I got itchy and figured I could plant a few things inside. I mostly did plants that I intend to keep in containers. Marigold to see what it's like. Leaf lettuce to maybe get some fresh greens soon. Herbs. And some old strawberry seeds I had hanging around, that I'm not sure if they'll sprout. And some cherry tomatoes I'll transplant eventually, most likely after re-potting.

Seed Starting Tray
Left to Right
Parsley, Chives, Cilantro, Dill (from a blue packet),
Dill (Burpee brand, accidentally grabbed one of each),
Catnip, Marigold, Basil, Leaf Lettuce, Strawberry
I got some seed starting trays, but I don't know how long the plants will last in there.

I also potted some green onions that I will keep in a pot in the kitchen, or just outside. I put the base of a head of celery into a cup of water to sprout.
Transition pots. Will go into more proper containers once I find them. 

I think it's a bit chilly over in that part of the house. It has been incredibly cold lately, and there's no active heat in that part of the house. There's a big window, and heat transfers from the rest of the house, but it's still fairly cool in there.

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