
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First Things, First

I've been interested in homesteading for a handful of years now. Always dreamed about moving out to the middle of nowhere, getting off the grid and doing things for myself. 

Well, I'm not quite at the point of realizing that dream quite yet, but my family is able to start towards at least part of it. We have some land for a garden, and maybe some chickens or rabbits. But for the most part, it wouldn't be enough to sustain us entirely off the land. 

We're in a rent-to-own type situation with the house we're living in, with a tad under 1 acre of land. 

I guess I just want to get writing in order to sort out all my plans, hopes for an eventual property to build or buy, and whatever else comes our way. 

So a little bit of background: we're a Heathen (Asatru) family. I may post here and there about faith, or homesteading, or whatever. I'm not going to limit myself in that regard. But I'm looking to document our adventures. I certainly want to tie in our beliefs with the plan for the land. A fairy/wight garden, and a place for ritual are floating around in my head. 

Well, that's that for now. I'll get to writing some more in depth pieces soon. 


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