
Tuesday, October 13, 2015


So here I am, starting over again. Autumn has always been a time for starting over for me.

Having the baby back in April put me behind. No gardening got done. I'm just now getting back into a routine and having a clean home. We're prepping for next year's garden.

Last fall our log splitter broke, and it hasn't been fixed, so we have hardly any wood for this winter. It's going to be tough. We have gas heating, but it isn't the same and it costs so much more than free wood does.

Our wood stove needs repaired. There is a hole in the elbow of the vent. The chimney needs cleaned. We need to get both of those taken care of ASAP. We can probably do the repair ourselves, but I want to get it checked out to make sure there isn't anything else wrong. We don't need a house fire.

In that mindset, I also plan on taking pictures of everything and documenting for insurance sake..

Blah blah blah.

This weekend we're planting garlic. I had intended on getting it in the ground last weekend, but didn't get things prepared properly to get it done.

There is a lot that needs fixed up around here. Hopefully we can get it done. Going to write up some goals for next year soon.